We left Kingsman Yacht Center at 8:30 a.m. at high tide. The water level was more than 2 feet higher than when we arrived, which was very helpful here because of the narrow, shallow channel. It was about a 20 minute no-wake ride, as peaceful as can be, but a little chilly up top.
Leaving Falmouth behind |
When we got to the Cape Cod Canal, our cut-through to Boston, it was just 70 degrees, and moving at 23 knots felt cold, so I put on a sweatshirt and was still a little uncomfortable. We had a 65 nautical mile trip ahead of us.
Our trip from Falmouth to Boston, through the Cape Code Canal |
The canal is seven miles long, and stunningly beautiful. There were a few picturesque bridges along the way.
Sababa's wake with a cool bridge behind us in the Cape Cod Canal |
We were traveling at our cruising speed when a coast guard boat in the canal radioed me and asked me to switch to channel 13, which apparently you are supposed to monitor here. He asked me if he was pronouncing my boat's name correctly, and I could tell he had a sense of humor. He then admonished me that the speed limit in the canal is 10. Since I was doing 23, I quickly slowed down, and we took the rest of the canal at a leisurely pace. Ann went up front and sat on our bow benches, which we hadn't used yet on this trip.
Ann loved the ride from up front in the canal at a calm 10 knots |
After the canal, we entered open ocean, which on that day was as calm as the canal. No waves at all. Flat. As I revved up to planing speed, aiming for 23 knots, the air felt colder than before, but I had to stay up top because for the entire 90 minutes that we were out in the open, the water was littered with little buoys marking some kind of trap. In Maryland they are crab pots. I don't know if here they are for crabs or lobsters outside Boston. The water was over 80 feet deep at times, and yet we could hardly go 250 feet without seeing a series of pots. It is much easier to spot them from up top, so I stayed up despite the chilly temperature, and I had to pay attention and dodge the pots the whole time. I was not able to use auto pilot or auto tracking the rest of the way.
These annoying pots filled the entire route to Boston |
As we approached Boston Harbor, the city skyline came into view, and everyone joined me up top for the magnificent landscape. We passed one of my favorites, a tall ship that was coming out of Boston.
Amazing tall ship leaving Boston Harbor |
As we turned towards our home for the next two days, Constitution Marina, the buildings all came into view. After two weeks of travel we reached our furthest point of the trip. Very exciting!
We finally arrive in Boston |
I was surprised and disappointed to learn that Constitution Marina (so named because it hosts the
USS Constitution) did not sell fuel, so we will have to make a stop on our return on Monday to fuel and pump out. I backed down the alley at the marina and tied up along a long T-head dock.
Tied up in downtown Boston |
Benny did a great job washing down the boat from all the salt water that splashed when we were at sea. Next, I want to teach him how to run the entire boat so that next season I can relax while he takes over.
The kids were very helpful |
Once we were settled into our slip, it was time to explore Boston. We visited Faneuil Hall Marketplace, and Quincey Market, where we saw a wonderkid musician performing, and the kids and Ann had some bubble tea.
The market area is always hopping |
We explored the waterfront area, and Benny and I took a long stroll among the fancy mega yachts in the harbor, while the ladies shopped for sunglasses (Elana's shades broke when one of us landed on them in the dinghy while getting back in after swimming). Then, we met up again and had dinner at a vegan/vegetarian restaurant that came highly recommended called Clover Food Lab, which even I enjoyed. Next, we walked through Boston Commons where a Shakespeare in the Park performance of Romeo and Juliette was scheduled. Although the performance was an hour away, the lawn was already packed. We decided that time was short for us here and skipped the show to continue walking. We found a really nice public garden with a lake and beautiful flowers and a statue of George Washington.
In the public gardens in Boston |
From there, we walked along Newbury street, with its fancy cars, movie stars (well we didn't see any, but that rhymes, and I assume they were there), and sidewalk cafes. When we reached
Copley Square, we had walked enough (over 20k steps!), and we took an Uber back to the boat. By then it was already 8:30 pm. My friend Matt Berntsen and his girlfriend Becky who live here in Boston visited us on the boat, and we opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate the new house they are moving into on Tuesday, as well as getting together with friends on a trip like this.
By the time Matt and Becky left, it was after 10:30, and I was too tired to write my blog, so I'm writing this Sunday morning, before we head out to visit Tamara at Camp Young Judea.
On the way to the boat, we saw a good omen. In Brooklyn, we are picking up Liam and Ben Geva to bring them to Baltimore, and this license plate pulls up in front of our Uber car.
License plate Liam1. It is a sign! |
If there was any doubt about the Omen they were soon put to rest. As we were sitting with our friends on the flybridge drinking champagne, this water taxi pulls up behind our boat and drops someone off!
Did this boat really just show up the day before we visit Tamara??? |
Case closed. We are heading up to camp after we pick up our Enterprise rental car.